Industry 4.0: Find out more about the new ESA Automation Cloud

Industry 4.0: Find out more about the new ESA Automation Cloud Connectivity and accessibility are two fundamental elements in industrial automation. That is why among our recent new features, we have created the ESA Automation Cloud service.

The possibility to exchange data in the fastest and easiest way possible is an important requirement when we talk about Industry 4.0. In fact, it is based on the concept of efficiency and Internet of Things, for which automatic communication among devices is necessary. And the ESA Automation Cloud allows – and makes it easier – it.

The ESA Automation Cloud: what it offers

Among the most important new of 2016, the ESA Automation Cloud completes our offer of innovative solutions for industrial automation. This service has been studied to guarantee users a safe and flexible architecture: the ideal when you work in a production plant. Let’s find out together all the features that make it the ideal solution for the Industry 4.0.

First, the ESA Automation Cloud stands out for its openness. It offers full compatibility with ERP, MRP, CRM systems and other resources management and planning software. Which make it possible for systems to access all data, without having to set them up first. And it’s obvious how this makes the process more efficient and immediate.

There’s more.

The ESA Automation Cloud flexibility is guaranteed also by the use of standard MQTT and AMQP protocols, which allow to collect and organize any kind of data coming from various devices: even not exclusively from ESA Automation products. For example, you can save and manage your plant’s energy consumption data collected using Esaware Smart Meters, or the information that is considered important from a customized production point of view. Users can in fact format, combine and organize these data according to their needs. All this only requires a common Ethernet connection and a standard browser that can visualize HTML5 contents.

Discover the ESA Automation Cloud and its value for the Industry 4.0

We can define the ESA Automation Cloud as the new goal of a work efficiency process. A process that is based on the Esaware solutions for industrial automation and its products for the control of energy consumption.

Our goal? To translate the values of the Industry 4.0 in our ranges of product in order to make the future of this sector more sustainable.

As we have said before, ESA Automation operates on the principle that efficiency generates sustainability. Hence the decision to move from a hierarchical architecture to a collaborative one.

Increase accessibility to data and information of the production plant means to create a more autonomous and fast system, which in turn guarantees a series of benefits that impact on the whole process. From time savings, to work and resources optimization.

In conclusion, in a context of Industry 4.0, the Automation ESA Cloud represents a new piece of the puzzle that will secure the future of the industry.