ESA Automation SCADA solutions and their applications in the industrial processes

In Industrial Automation, the synergy between hardware and software is the base of all production activities and it is what allows companies to stand out from their competition.

That is why ESA Automation SCADA solutions and their applications in the
industrial processes represent the perfect match, guaranteeing top versatility and reliability in any working environment.

Crew and Esaware HMIs and IPCs: ESA Automation SCADA solutions

When it comes to synergy between hardware and software in the industrial processes, Esaware Crew offers the best in terms of both user-friendliness and performance. In fact, this is the ESA Automation SCADA solution that allows to easily and quickly program any HMI and IPC device.

It’s a software that is capable of bringing in the industrial field the familiarity and intuitiveness of consumer technology, thanks to actions and commends such as zoom-in, scroll, swipe and drag and drop. Usage by users is facilitated also by a wide library of customizable objects, created as vectors so that they can be easily modified by whoever uses them.

Furthermore, integration with the SoftPLC CODESYS development environment – enhanced in the Crew 1.5 update thanks to the bridge feature – assures even more programming flexibility and efficiency.

As far as the hardware side, ESA Automation has developed numerous innovative solutions which all offer state of the art technology: the ideal match ESA Automation SCADA solutions.

Starting from Esaware HMIs, created to help control and visualization. These are true-flat products, that allow functional, easy and fast interactions between human and machines.

The same goes for Esaware Box IPCs and Panel IPCs, a generation of resistant and powerful products, capable of operating at their best even in the most difficult working conditions and in the most extreme industrial environments.

ESA Automation SCADA solutions and Esaware hardware devices

ESA Automation SCADA solutions and their applications in the industrial processes are commended at their best by Esaware hardware products.

In fact, choosing the Esaware software and hardware match offers clients a huge advantage: and the first one is to have to deal with only one interlocutor for both products.

Crew has been projected to work at its best even on third parties devices, but it is only natural that its performance is even more brilliant when used on the platforms for which it was created and on which it was developed.

This is evident, for example, within the Esaware IPC and SCADA combination, which serve as a link between high level infrastructure systems as production or management software. In this case, you can also collect and display data from different lines or machines in the production plant. Truly a surprising level of connectivity.

In fact, in the range of ESA Automation SCADA solutions, it is also included the remote maintenance platform Everyware. Another fundamental component of the Esaware family, which increases even more the potential of this dynamic and flexible line.

As such, the operator can monitor and intervene on the production plant even from a distance, cutting all travel costs and time, which used to penalize companies’ balances and rhythms.

In conclusion, Esaware hardware devices pared with ESA Automation SCADA solutions are the key for the correct functioning of any industrial process.