Cybersecurity and Smart Working: new vulnerabilities and possible solutions

Faced with the COVID19 pandemic, in 2020 and 2021 companies around the world promoted smart working through the implementation of appropriate procedures. This, however, presented challenges not only from an organizational and production point of view. Several studies have in fact highlighted the growing threat to corporate cybersecurity in multiple sectors due to the increase in remote work.

If on the one hand digitization and the use of smartphones and tablets have undoubtedly increased productivity, on the other hand the exposure of corporate networks to the real risk of cyber-attacks has grown. Therefore, there is an urgency to introduce solutions that can protect the information assets of companies, both locally and remotely.

IT security solutions for smart working

The chaos generated by the health crisis and the sudden need to adopt new working methods have created an all-encompassing and unexpected scenario. This did not give companies the time to adapt and train their employees on the necessary safety measures. As a result, companies have found themselves exposed to a new level of vulnerability, which unfortunately presents an opportunity for cybercriminals.

To prevent and limit cybersecurity risks, it is essential to adopt adequate solutions and implement best practices.

Cryptography techniques

Today, encryption techniques use complex keys to encode and decrypt corporate data based on some algorithms. In this way, only those in possession of the algorithm key can access the encrypted data. The encryption method can vary depending on the type of key used, the length of the key and the size of the encrypted data blocks.

Monitor corporate networks

As the distribution of workers grows, the complexity of threats increases. New challenges arise for security, which is played on a more delocalized and therefore difficult to control level. It’s necessary to constantly monitor corporate networks, with solutions such as VPN and “threat-aware” networks.


The blockchain also has numerous advantages in terms of cybersecurity. For example, it allows you to prevent Deliberate Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, which today represent one of the most widespread cybersecurity threats. The concept of the blockchain lies precisely in decentralizing data and this guarantees superior protection.


Staff training

An adequate level of staff training is the foundation of any cybersecurity strategy. Teaching employees how to apply the right security measures and recognize threats, such as phishing, is a critical step in fighting cyber-attacks. When best practices regarding the management of personal credentials, the recognition of untrusted emails and URLs, etc., enter the ordinary work of employees, companies will certainly have a more resistant shield.